I would like to think that we all include vegetables to get their nutrients, but believe me when I say that when they are overcooked, a lot of vitamins and minerals are lost, especially water-soluble vitamins like vitamin C and B vitamins.
Overcooking also eliminates the natural flavors and, in certain situations, can result in the development of toxic compounds.
A gentle steam is all that is required to activate all of the nutrients found in carrots; overcooking destroys these nutrients, unless you are content with just the color on your plate; Ijeamaka enjoys both color and nutrients.
Menu vegetables contain antioxidants, which are extremely beneficial to health; however, overbooking these vegetables reduces their effectiveness to the body.
Our mothers, or granny’s if you are observant, always added their vegetables last and turned off almost immediately, allowing the heat from the hot food to steam off the vegetables; they were extremely wise. I often wonder how they learned so much about food and nutrition.