Baag Holistic Wellness

Passive Smoking is Just as Harmful

Passive smoking is just as harmful.

It is a significant public health concern due to its proven adverse effects on health, yet, the cultural, social, and policy related barriers continue to hinder the full protection of non smokers.

Is full protection even possible?

How to do! 🤷‍♀️

I doubt any level of effective regulation fit mitigate its impact, After all, the majority of smokers understands its impact on health, and I understand that many are struggling to quit, but then we have newbies jumping the wagon on a daily basis.

See as i dey my own jeje, huge amount of spoke abi puff just land for my face😭.

You no dey pity yourself small? At this rate, how you go wan think of others?
It is freezing outside right now, so everybody’s desperately puffing it.

Passive Smoking is just as hamful

How we wan take do this thing now?

This was me, few minutes ago and I repeat, Passive Smoking is just as harmful.

Also read: https: Benefits of egg shells in smoothies

Image used in this publishing is  from
