Baag Holistic Wellness

Stop Wrapping your Hot Swallows in Nylon

Stop wrapping your hot swallows in nylon; the beauty you seek will not find its way into your system, stirring your hot meals with plastic spoons; the pot of food has already been altered by that action, making your moi-moi, okpa, oka aku, and so on with pouches, nylons; the finished product (ready meal) is no longer safe to consume at that point.

Stop making hot tea in plastic cups; the minute you gulp it down, it is no longer tea.

Stop microwaving your foods in general, but today I am focusing specifically on microwaving food in plastic containers. You are causing more harm to your body than good.

Please I beg you. The prevalence of illness today is concerning.

You open the app to pass the time, and all you see are appeals for donations for a large number of people. It is heartbreaking, and even more so when I have the slightest suspicion that it was self-inflicted.

Please stop doing strong head, I beg you; it may not be visible right now because it is building up.

Please embrace leaves, stainless utensils, and the like, and avoid using plastic for anything hot.

I have a few plastics at home, but they are not for any of the aforementioned purposes.

I have heard numerous times that we all must kpai. Of course, I am not disputing that, but you have the option not to accept self-inflicted wahala.

Take good care of you and your loved one’s please.

Enjoy your Sunday.
